
お教室を始め、色々な方との出会いを楽しみながら作品作りをしております。現在は、ブライダルブーケフレーム 記念のお花を立体保存加工を中心に押し花、レカンフラワー講師をさせて頂きながら、作品作り、結婚式のブーケ、お友達へのプレゼントや、記念日に、世界に一つだけの真心を込めた作品を作らせていただいております。
About me
不思議な花倶楽部 インストラクター
アミュレットフルール レカンフラワー講師
ネイチャープリント インストラクター
クレイクチュール 本部講師
まごころハガキ インストラクター
フレンチメゾンデコール インストラクター
ドリームフラワー インストラクター
エバーアレンジメント 講師
1996: Enters Flower Business Course of technical college.
Acquires a wide-ranging knowledge of the world of flowers.
1998: Commences work at a florist, specializing in arrangements for special occasions including wedding bouquets.
2005: Opens own studio ‘Atelier Tsubaki’- holding classes at her home and at culture centres in addition to making bouquets and arrangements for weddings
2007: Begins work as a L’écrin Flower instructor at L’écrin Flower Headquarters
2009: In charge of customer relations and costume alterations of wedding dresses at bridal costume company
2011: Begins work at L’écrin Flower Headquarters Studio as Bridal Bouquet Frame creator
2012: L’écrin Flower Bridal Bouquet Contest:Second Prize, Elegant Section
Tokyo Pressed Flower Contest: Second Prize, Free Section
2015: L’écrin Flower Contest: Judges’ Commendation Prize, Free Section
Displayed bridal bouquets and hair accessories at the Hong Kong Wedding Show as Youmei Glamour Shot Photography in KOBE bouquets designer
Gained Clay Couture Instructor’s Licence
2016: Nature Print Contest: Judges Commendation Prize, Fabric Section
Submits entries to Facebook Art Challenge featuring L’écrin Flowers, bouquets and more
Gained French Deco Instructor’s Licence
2017 L’écrin Flower Contest: Judges’ Commendation Prize, Free Section
Became Ever Arrangement Headquarters Instructor
Completed Dream Flower Basic Course & Fleur Delicat Basic Course
Atelier Tsubaki Owner, Flower Designer & Instructor
Family: Husband, three cats
Hobbies: Cooking, Gardening, Sewing
Ms. Inoue is known for her ability to create floral designs encompassing a broad range of media, from L’écrin Flower work to pressed flowers, artificial flowers, preserved flowers, and fresh flowers alike. She is especially known for her tasteful bridal bouquets ranging from elegant cascading bouquets to charming spherical ones.
Her bridal head pieces and other accessories are also popular. She is known for her use of soft and gentle colors, and is acclaimed by women of all ages for her elegant work.
A great deal of her time is devoted to the creation of bouquets in her studio and she also instructs in her own home and at culture schools, while actively entering exhibitions far and wide. She is a warm woman, always smiling, who puts everything into her work but also enjoys being at home.
※Clay Couture: a craft where accessories and sweets are created from colored clay. The finished products are known as Clay Couture.
※French Deco: a craft of France, Cartonage and Tasselwork.